Situated in the heart of the Malaysian jungle, the Infant Care Unit at Bukit Merah Lake Town Resort - dubbed Orang-Utan Island - is a very special hospital. All of its patients are from the endangered Borneo species of orang-utans, the Pongo Pygmaeus. Without the facility, built in 2004, the species would probably be extinct.
Three-month-old June-Junior is hooked up to monitors and IV drips
This mischievous pair like nothing more than trying to pull off their heart monitor cables.
This mischievous pair like nothing more than trying to pull off their heart monitor cables.
Dressed in a nappy, 10-month-old April chews her cot. When they are a year old they will be moved to the infant development unit, where the animals are taught how to survive in the wild A dedicated team of seven nurses care for the creatures, headed by one of Malaysia 's most experienced vets.
The orang-utans get all the comforts of a hospital, including nappy changes, left, and even cuddles, right